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PE / Health

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PE Testing is state-mandated for 5th, 7th, and 9th-grade students, unless there is a physical disability or other medical reason that prevents participation. It consists of the following elements: aerobic capacity (PACER - Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run), body mass index (height and weight), flexibility (shoulder stretch and trunk lift), abdominal strength (curl-ups), and upper body strength (push-ups). PE testing is given in the spring semester, usually at all three sites.
The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity.

Students in grades five, seven, and nine take the fitness test. The test has six parts that show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The test results can be used by students, teachers, and parents.