California Immunization Requirements
Beginning January: Mountain Oaks students who participate in on-campus and/or group activities (lunch, workshops, field trips, etc.) will need to have one of the 3 following immunization status updates to participate in those activities beginning January 1st 2020:
- On Schedule with Immunizations
- A valid Medical Exemption and/or Conditional Enrollment (Please contact our office for Conditional Enrollment paperwork and to verify your status. Conditional Enrollment will allow you to continue to participate in School activities but you will have a time line established to become compliant with your immunizations and/or update your Medical Waiver.)
- Students with IEP's will continue to participate in those activities and workshops that are part of their assigned services. This includes lunch.
Students who do not meet one of the criteria above will still be able to attend Mountain Oaks and will be placed on a purely Independent Study/Homeschool Course of Study. Meaning they will not participate in on campus functions and/or group activities.
This may mean that their Mentor Meetings will take place during a time when other students are not scheduled to be on campus and/or off campus (before/after workshop times, video conference, phone conference, agreed upon off campus meetings, etc.).
If you have any questions please feel free to call either Bill Redford, Mountain Oaks Administrator at 754-0532, ext. 2252 or Samantha at 754-0532, ext. 2258.