
FAFSA Zoom Meeting

FAFSA Zoom Meeting
10/20/2021, 4:00 PM 7:00 PM

*Every Wednesday in October (6,13,20) there is a drop-in Zoom meeting from 4-7pm to fill in MEOC application or get an FSA ID #, if you need extra help.

If you have all of your required information to do the FAFSA on the 20th, you'll be able to complete the FAFSA online, rather than at the SA site in-person. They have people available to do virtual break-out rooms to help you individually. Please talk to Sisene ahead of time to let her know.

Online MEOC form (easy): ONLINE MEOC Application

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile:

US: +16699006833,,98709344270# or +12532158782,,98709344270#

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID:

987 0934 4270

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