
Teddy Bear Clinic

Teddy Bear Clinic
10/1/2019, 9:00 AM 12:00 PM

This is a fun event at Mark Twain Hospital for Kindergartners. This experience is geared for enrolled Kindergarten students and their chaperones, not younger/older siblings. This year our school is invited to come on Tuesday, October 1 form 9 AM -12 Noon.

If you are interested in attending this field trip, please sign up with Dana at the front desk in San Andreas. She will need to know how many K students and how many adults are planning on attending and their names. Deadline to register for this event is September 9.

Each year over 600 Calaveras County kindergarten children, teachers, and parents attend this event over three days which is sponsored by the Hospital. This program was created to ease the fears of the children if they must come to the hospital for any services. The children are guided through all of the hospital areas and departments and given a nurse or doctors cap, along with a teddy bear, and a stethoscope.

For lunch they will be serving the popular cheese and pepperoni pizza with a snack bag of fruit, water bottle and teddy grahams. If any of your children have food allergies we recommend having them bring their own sack lunch.

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